
LCSD Kindergarten Registration

Kids on playgroundLincoln County School District looks to both the Oregon Department of Education, as well as research to guide us in our practices. While kindergarten is not compulsory in Oregon, parents and guardians are welcome to enroll their children into kindergarten if they turn five before September 1 of the new school year. When a child without kindergarten experience come to LCSD at six years old by September 1 of the new school year, they are placed in the first grade. In a variety of studies conducted since 2017, the practice of retaining students by delaying their entrance into kindergarten has not been found to be beneficial, and in some situations is detrimental for students in their school career. This is why we do not automatically place children in a parent preferred grade and have a retention policy IKE, and a procedure IKE-AR, to follow that includes looking at the physical, social, emotional, and academic components for deficiencies as we consider retention. Parents and Guardians still interested in considering retention should contact their school principal.

Below is the guidance from the Oregon Department of Education: 

For links to video tours and further registration information please check our registration page:

What is kindergarten readiness?

It’s important for children to enter kindergarten knowing their ABCs, numbers, shapes, and colors. But there are equally – if not more – important skills that prepare your child(ren) or the child(ren) you care for, to succeed in school. Raising an eager learner is the goal, and it can be achieved easily through play and day-to-day activities. Parents and caregivers are children’s first and most important teachers. The following statements are goals you and your child can work toward together to prepare for success in school.

Some things to remember that will help you and your child work towards these goals:

  • Always present activities in positive and child-friendly ways. The goal should always be fun while learning, never testing and/or drilling your child.
  • Present information in your child’s native language.
  • These are guidelines on skills that will help children in school. Every child is different and will learn at their own pace and in their own way.

Kindergarten “I Can” Brochure (English)

Kindergarten “I Can” Brochure (Spanish)

Readiness skills that will help your kindergarten student be successful

Early Literacy
  • I can hold a book upright and turn the pages.
  • I can use my finger to follow along with printed words from left to right and top to bottom.
  • I can recognize 11 upper or lower-case letters.
  • I can produce the sound for 11 letters.
  • I can tell the difference between numbers and letters.
  • I can recognize and write my own name.
  • I can make and recognize rhymes.
  • I can listen to a short story and re-tell the beginning, middle, and end.
  • I can listen to and understand short stories, and answer questions about them.
  • I can clearly express my thoughts and needs using words in a sentence.
  • I can talk about things I am doing now, things I did yesterday, and things I will do tomorrow.

Families can:

  • Teach me new words.
  • Show me words and symbols in my language and the sounds they make.
  • Teach me to follow directions by giving me simple steps.
  • Read to me daily. Take me to the library. Bring me books and magazines.
  • Ask me questions about stories to help me understand their meaning.
  • Ask me about my world and ideas and have me explain using details.
  • Sing songs and teach me rhymes.


  • I can count to 20.
  • I can identify written numbers from 0-10.
  • I can count 10 objects.
  • I can use quantity words such as more, less, and none when comparing groups of objects.
  • I can identify “first” and “last” in a row or line.
  • I can make a simple pattern using objects, pictures, sounds, or movements.
  • I can use comparison words: bigger, longer, taller, heavier, etc.
  • I can sort objects by color, shape, size, function, etc…
  • I can explain where things are using words like up, under, and beside.
  • I can name four basic shapes (circle, square, triangle, and rectangle).

Families can:

  • Give me things to sort by shape, size, and color
  • Help me find and name shapes and colors all around me
  • Help me play counting games.
  • Let me count things at home and in my community
  • Point out and show me how numbers are used around me.


  • I can take care of myself and my belongings (put-on/take-off shoes, use the restroom, put on/put away coat, blow my nose using a tissue, pick up my toys.)
  • I can complete tasks that involve two or more steps.
  • I can concentrate on a task and am not easily distracted.
  • I can share toys and materials with my peers.
  • I can take turns.
  • I can wait.
  • I can follow directions the first time I am told.

Families can:

  • Teach me to follow directions by giving me simple steps.
  • Teach me to sing a song to help me wait
  • Model sharing and turn-taking
  • Talk with me about different ways to solve problems
  • Encourage me to be independent in taking care of my belongings and myself (dressing, toileting, etc.)
  • Encourage me to try things I have learned before asking for help
  • Give me lots of time and practice to figure things out.


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