Be a Substitute

Substitute Job Opportunities

We Need You. They Need You. Be a Substitute.

Substitutes play an important role in supporting our students and staff. From daily and long-term teaching to assistants in school offices and libraries, subs help our schools tremendously. We’re committed to helping you succeed whether you’re a recent graduate looking to build experience for a career in education, a parent looking to work the hours your kids are in school, or a seasoned teacher looking to get back to the classroom. There has never been a better time to join the LCSD team!

If you’re interested in learning more about being a substitute with LCSD, email Susie Sproul at or apply online at HERE

LCSD Offers Substitutes the Following Benefits:

  • Opportunities to make a difference in the lives of our students.
  • Flexible work schedules and locations that are tailored to substitute needs.
  • Family-friendly work hours
  • Professional relationships with LCSD staff.
  • Pathways that may lead to a full-time career in LCSD.
  • Assistance with teacher licensure.
  • North County licensed subs receive premium pay of $270 for a full, 7.5 hour day.