School Based Health Centers (SBHC)

Hello, student patients of the School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs)!

If you need care during this time when schools are closed, please reach out to 541-265-4947, and we will make arrangements to either “see” you by phone or in person, whichever is most appropriate for you.

If a student would like to talk with a counselor, they can call 541-265-4179, and a counselor will connect with them.

You may also contact the Health Services Advocate in your resident area for assistance:

We care about you and want you to continue to get the care you need!

¡Hola, pacientes estudiantes de los Centros de Salud Escolares (SBHC)!

Si necesita atención durante este tiempo cuando las escuelas están cerradas, comuníquese con 541-265-4947, y haremos los arreglos para “verlo” por teléfono o en persona, lo que sea más apropiado para usted.

Si un estudiante desea hablar con un consejero, puede llamar al 541-265-4179, y un consejero se comunicará con ellos.

¡Nos preocupamos por usted y queremos que continúe recibiendo la atención que necesita!


What’s an SBHC?

SBHCs are medical clinics that offer children and youth health care either in a school or on school grounds. They help children and youth get the care they need when they need it.

SBHCs have primary care providers such as doctors, nurse practitioners and physicians’ assistants. Some have dental and mental health providers.They work with school nurses to help youth stay healthy and in school.

Community partnerships that include schools, school boards, parents, students and medical professionals create and support SBHCs.

Please visit the Lincoln Community SBHC Website:

Lincoln Community School Based Health Centers


Summer Lincoln Community Health Centers

SBHC Video Tours