Section J: Students

Policy Title Code
Equal Educational Opportunity JB
Sexual Harassment JBA/GBN
Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedure JBA/GBN-AR(1)
Federal Law (Title IX) Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedure JBA/GBN-AR(2)
Written Notice to Involved Parties re: Sexual Harassment Complaints JBA-GBN AR(3)
Section 504 – Students JBAA
Educational Equity JBB
Section 504 – Students JBAA-AR
Compulsory School Attendance** JEA
Truancy/Compulsory School Attendance JEA-AR
Early Entrance** JEBA
Early Entrance JEBA-AR
Admissions JEC
Admission of Resident Students** JECA
Staff/Student/Parent Relations** (formerly Child Custody Actions) JECAC/GBH
Admission of Nonresident Students JECB
Admission of Nonresident Students JECB-AR
Admission of Exchange Students JECBA
Admission of Foreign Exchange Students JECBA-AR
Homeless Students JECBD
Homeless Students** JECBD-AR
Assignment of Students to Schools** JECC
Assignment of Students to Schools JECC-AR
Transcript Evaluation JECDA
Student Absences and Excuses** JED
Interdistrict Transfer of Resident Students** JECF
Interdistrict Transfer of Resident Students JECF-AR
Student Rights and Responsibilities** JF/JFA
Student Code of Conduct JFC
Student Code of Conduct** JFC-AR
Student Attire and Grooming** JFCA
Student Dress Code JFCA-AR
Gang Activity JFCEA
Personal Electronic Devices and Social Media** JFCEB
Personal Electronic Devices and Social Media JFCEB-AR
Hazing/Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying/Menacing/Cyberbullying/Teen Dating Violence/Domestic Violence – Student** JFCF
Hazing/Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying/Menacing/Cyberbullying/Teen Dating Violence Complaint Procedures – Student JFCF-AR(1)
Hazing/Harassmen/Intimidation/Bullying/Menacing/Cyberbullying/Teen Dating Violence Complaint Form JFCF-AR(2)
Prohibited Use, Possession, Sale or Distribution of Tobacco Products and Inhalant Delivery Systems JFCG/KGC/GBK
Tobacco, nicotine and inhalant delivery system possession and use JFCG/KGC/GBK-AR
Alcohol JFCH
Alcohol use JFCH-AR
Use of Alcohol for Cooking** JFCHA
Substance/Drug Abuse** JFCI
Substance/Drug Abuse JFCI-AR
Weapons in the Schools** JFCJ
Weapons on District Property JFCJ-AR
Threats of Violence** JFCM
Pregnant and Parenting Students JFE
Student Searches** JFG
Student Searches** JFG-AR(1)
Student Search Form JFG-AR(2)
Student Discipline** JG
Student Discipline JG-AR
Corporal Punishment** JGA
Use of Restraint and Seclusion JGAB
Use of Restraint and Seclusion JGAB-AR(1)
Suspension** JGD
Suspension Procedures JGD-AR
Discipline of Students with Disabilities** JGDA/JGEA
Discipline of Students with Disabilities** JGDA/JGEA-AR
Expulsion** JGE
Expulsion Procedures JGE-AR
Alternative Education Programs Following Expulsion** JGEA
Student Health Services and Requirements JHC
Communicable Diseases – Students JHCC
Communicable Diseases – Student JHCC-AR
Students – HIV, HBV and AIDS** JHCCA
Pediculosis (Head Lice) JHCCF
Pediculosis (Head Lice) JHCCF-AR
Medications** JHCD
Medications** JHCD-AR
Student Vehicle Use JHFD
Reporting of Suspected Abuse of a Child JHFE
Reporting of Suspected Abuse of a Child JHFE-AR(1)
Abuse of a Child Investigations Conducted on District Premises JHFE-AR(2)
Suspected Abuse of a Child Reporting Requirements** JHFE_GBNAB
Reporting of Suspected Abuse of a Child JHFE_GBNAB-AR(1)
Abuse of a Child Investigations Conducted on District Premises JHFE_GBNAB-AR(2)
Reporting of Suspected Sexual Conduct with Students JHFF/GBNAA
Suspected Sexual Conduct Report Procedures and Form JHFF/GBNAA-AR
Student Suicide Prevention JHH
Student Fees, Fines and Charges** JN
Education Records/Records of Students with Disabilities** JO/IGBAB
Education Records/Records of Students with Disabilities Management JO/IGBAB-AR
Directory Information** JOA
Personally Identifiable Information** JOB

The following symbol is used on some policies:

** As used in this policy, the term parent includes legal guardian or person in a parental relationship. The status and duties of a legal guardian are defined in ORS 125.005 (4) and 125.300 – 125.325. The determination of whether an individual is acting in a parental relationship, for purposes of determining residency, depends on the evaluation of the factors listed in ORS 419B.373. The determination for other purposes depends on evaluation of those factors and a power of attorney executed pursuant to ORS 109.056. For special education students, parent also includes a surrogate parent, an adult student to whom rights have transferred and foster parent as defined in OAR 581-015-2000.