LCSD to Receive $234,477 from United States Department of Education’s School Emergency Response to Violence Project SERV Program to Aid Schools Impacted by Wildfires in Lincoln County

LCSD to Receive $234,477 from United States Department of Education’s School Emergency Response to Violence Project SERV Program to Aid Schools Impacted by Wildfires in Lincoln County

Posted on November 13, 2020

Lincoln County School District has been awarded a grant worth $234,477 to utilize in a variety of ways to assist our schools and families in their recovery from the Echo Mountain Complex Fire as part of the Project SERV (School Emergency Response to Violence). This program funds short-term and long-term education-related services for local educational agencies (LEAs) and institutions of higher education (IHEs) to help them recover from a violent or traumatic event in which the learning environment has been disrupted. This project is funded for one year to begin on 11/13/2020.

Sue Graves, LCSD Comprehensive Safe Schools Coordinator, said that “Lincoln County School District applied for this grant on behalf of approximately 65 of our students who have lost their homes to the fire and are now displaced. There may be more. Another 50 students (or more) sustained some degree of damage to their homes; some have been able to return home, others have not and are displaced. With the awarded funds LCSD will be able to provide the support services these students, families, and our community need to recover from these terrible fires.”

Funds will be used for: One full-time Disaster Recovery Coordinator to coordinate the SERV grant, collaborate with local public health and other mental health services, and plan for and oversee all aspects of the disaster recovery efforts for Lincoln County School District. We are also planning to hire two half-time Disaster Recovery Specialists to support the Disaster Recovery Coordinator efforts. Additionally, we plan to contract with a Subject-Matter-Expert on Trauma and Disaster Mental Health Recovery for consultation, technical assistance, and professional development. We will also offer Mental Health First Aid training to school staff. The grant also provides a limited number of Hotspots to help with connectivity to virtual school, mental health services, and communication with families. The total comes to the awarded amount of $234,477.

LCSD recibirá $ 234,477 del Departamento de Educación de los Estados Unidos para Respuestas de Emergencia del Programa SERV para ayudar a las escuelas afectadas por incendios forestales en el condado de Lincoln

Newport, OR – November 13, 2020 – Lincoln County School District has been awarded a grant worth $234,477 to utilize in a variety of ways to assist our schools and families in their recovery from the Echo Mountain Complex Fire as part of the Project SERV (School Emergency Response to Violence).  This program funds short-term and long-term education-related services for local educational agencies (LEAs) and institutions of higher education (IHEs) to help them recover from a violent or traumatic event in which the learning environment has been disrupted. This project is funded for one year to begin on 11/13/2020.

Newport, OR – 13 de noviembre de 2020 – El distrito escolar del condado de Lincoln recibió una subvención/beca por un valor de $ 234,477 para utilizar en diversas maneras y ayudar a nuestras escuelas y familias en su recuperación del incendio Echo Mountain como parte del Proyecto SERV (Respuesta de emergencia). Este programa financia servicios relacionados con la educación a corto y largo plazo para las agencias educativas locales (LEA) y las instituciones de educación superior (IHE) para ayudar a las escuelas a recuperarse de un evento peligroso o traumático en el que el entorno de aprendizaje se ha visto afectado. Este proyecto está financiado por un año en pesando el 13/11/2020

Echo Mountain Complex Fire as part 

Sue Graves, Coordinadora Integral de Escuelas Seguras de LCSD, dijo que “el Distrito Escolar del Condado de Lincoln solicitó esta subvención/beca en nombre de aproximadamente 65 de nuestros estudiantes que han perdido sus hogares por el incendio y ahora estan desplazados. Puede que haya más estudiantes. Otros 50 estudiantes (o más) sufrieron algún grado de daño en sus hogares; algunos han podido regresar a sus hogares, otros no y siguen desplazados. Con los fondos que nos han dado, LCSD podrá brindar los servicios de apoyo que estos estudiantes, familias y nuestra comunidad necesitan para recuperarse de estos terribles incendios “.

Funds will be used for: One full-time Disaster Recovery Coordinator to coordinate the SERV grant, collaborate with local public health and other mental health services, and plan for and oversee all aspects of the disaster recovery efforts for Lincoln County School District. We are also planning to hire two half-time Disaster Recovery Specialists to support the Disaster Recovery Coordinator efforts. Additionally, we plan to contract with a Subject-Matter-Expert on Trauma and Disaster Mental Health Recovery for consultation, technical assistance, and professional development. We will also offer Mental Health First Aid training to school staff. The grant also provides a limited number of Hotspots to help with connectivity to virtual school, mental health services, and communication with families. The total comes to the awarded amount of $234, 477.

Los fondos se utilizarán para: Una posición de Coordinador de Recuperación por Desastre de tiempo completo para coordinar la subvención SERV, colaborar con el departamento de salud pública local y otros servicios de salud mental, y planificar y supervisar todos los aspectos de los esfuerzos de recuperación por desastre para el Distrito Escolar del Condado de Lincoln. También estamos planeando contratar a dos especialistas en recuperación de desastres de medio tiempo para apoyar los esfuerzos del Coordinador de recuperación de desastres. Además, planeamos contratar a un experto en la materia sobre recuperación de salud mental en casos de desastre y trauma para consultas, asistencia técnica y desarrollo profesional. También ofreceremos capacitación en primeros auxilios de salud mental al personal de la escuela. La subvención también proporciona un número limitado de Hotspots para ayudar con la conectividad a la escuela virtual, los servicios de salud mental y la comunicación con las familias. El total asciende a la cantidad otorgada de $ 234, 477.
