During the school year, issues and/or concerns may develop for families, students or third parties relating to any number of issues, including their students’ schools or classrooms. It is best practice to attempt to resolve issues at the school level first, beginning with the classroom teacher.
The District is committed to resolving complaints, in a timely manner, by direct, informal discussions, beginning with the school or department involved. Communication is essential during this process so that the involved parties may better understand the reasons behind each other’s positions.
The following is an outline of the Lincoln County School District complaint process. The District seeks prompt and equitable resolution of all complaints. Please refer to Board Policy KL for the official district policy. If you have any questions regarding the District’s complaint process, please contact us.
The Board advises the public that the proper channeling of complaints around instruction, discipline, or learning materials is as follows:
1. Teacher or employee
2. Principal or supervisor
3. Superintendent or designee
4. Board